Sunday, March 14, 2021

Rhubarb ginger pie

 Happy pi day! I still had frozen rhubarb in the freezer from last summer, so I decided rhubarb pie was called for. Much like pecan pie, every time I set out to bake a rhubarb custard pie, I try to recall which recipe I decided on last time and always forget. Was it Nana's? The other one from Nana's cookbook? Or the one from the other cookbook? I did remember that I've paired ginger with rhubarb before to much success, so I went with that.

Here's today's version, a 6 inch ~deep dish pie. Next time, defrost rhubarb. Today's filling was runny, which I suspect was due to the water in the frozen rhubarb. Still delicious.


  • Pie crust (I default to easy oil or combo butter/shortening. You do you.)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tbsp cream (milk would be fine)
  • ~3/4 cup sugar
  • 1.5 Tbsp flour
  • a pinch freshly grated nutmeg
  • a knob (1.5 Tbsp?) diced fresh ginger
  • ~2 cups frozen rhubarb

Crumb topping:

  • flour
  • whole wheat flour
  • brown sugar
  • powdered ginger

Make filling. Pour into bottom crust. Make crumb topping. Scatter on top. If feeling crafty for pie day, cut a pi shape out of leftover crust and place on top. Bake in 375-400 degree oven for an hour. Left cool. Devour.